Quick Links for Teachers
E-Portfolio - South Carolina Department of Education Technology Proficiency
ETV Streamline SC - ETV is South Carolina's statewide network with 11 television stations, eight radio stations and a closed-circuit educational telecommunications system in more than 2000 schools, colleges, businesses, and government agencies.
South Carolina Department of Education - Find news, links to local districts, statewide test scores and related links.
Teacher Tool Box - Hundreds of standard-based questions related to your grade and subject area, which you can use to create and edit your own tests. Tools to share "best practices" (Powerpoints, whiteboard applications, etc.) and lesson plans with fellow teachers and administrators. "Attention Grabbers" such as interactive web-sites, on-line quizzes, and other subject-related information.
Safe Video These are pre-approved videos from You Tube and other sites. If you want to add clips to this collection, please send the url to your media specialist for approval.