Quick Tip is an App that allows students and parents to report bullying or other forms of abuse. The tip will be directly linked to the principal anonymously. The Quick Tip app can be downloaded from Google Play and the iTunes store by searching “School Messenger Quick Tip.” Once the app is downloaded and opened, it will ask for a location code. That code is florencecsd3. Please share this information with your students and parents.
We are always looking for ways to foster an even safer and more caring school community. We have added SchoolMessenger Quick Tip to our website to ensure that students, staff and parents have a voice to report issues that may affect their peers and/or schools.
Quick Tip allows school administrators to receive tips at any time and have the ability to respond in a timely manner to issues that impact the school or individual students. The reported issues range from bullying to weapons/threats.
Students, staff, parents and other stakeholders can visit the district website and click the Quick Tip logo. Users can identify which schools receive the tip, select an appropriate topic from the dropdown list, write the message and submit the tip. There is also an option to include a photograph as appropriate. Users may choose to communicate anonymously or non-anonymously.